
Hamilton Lake Conservancy

Protecting Our Lakes For Your Enjoyment

power outage?

What to do when Hamilton has a power outage.

you can help

Find out how you can help keep sewer costs low

Sewer Rates

See the Hamilton Lake Conservancy sewer rates

Click a section to view

Maintaining clean water is our job

The Hamilton Lake Conservancy operates and maintains a sewage treatment plant and collection system that has been serving our region and improving water quality for over 30 years. 
The Treatment Plant discharges the treated water to Fish Creek

We're Hiring

The Hamilton Lake Conservancy District has a position available in maintenance. Must be able to work Monday - Friday 7:00 am to 3:30 pm and be on-call overnight and on weekends as scheduled.

Please complete an application and return to PO Box 331 Hamilton, IN 46742 or drop it off at the Clerk's office at 7405 S. Wayne St. Hamilton, IN 46742. Please call 260-488-3304 ext 2 with any questions.

 download application


When Hamilton Has A Power Outage

You can prevent a "sewer backup" in your home: Simply conserve water till power is restored.

If the utility electric power is out, the sewer grinder stations will not work with a home generator. To help prevent sewage back-ups and overflows, please keep water usage to an absolute minimum until the utility electric power is restored. Prolonged use of water while the electricity is out could cause sewage to back up into your and/or your neighbor’s home. Once power is restored,  continue to conserve water until the collection system has some time to catch up. If your grinder station's red light and buzzer don’t turn off within 60 minutes, please call the on-call number ​(260) 488-3304. ​ 

Learn More - Power Outage (download)

How You Can Help

Keep Sewer Costs Low

In order to keep our maintenance and sewer costs low, please do n​ot flush the following items:

  • Feminine Sanitary items
  • Any type of wipe (baby, handy, etc)
  • Large amounts of hair
  • Clothing, rags
  • Cooking oil or grease

These items can damage the pumps and or controls causing unnecessary expense. NOTE: Illegal sump pump connections cause our collection system to be overburdened. Contact Us for questions.

If you have a sump pump that is used to pump water from a crawl space, footer or any groundwater run off, Make sure it is NOT being discharged into the sanitary sewer.

$52.04 for Single family residence/condo

$39.05 for Apartment

$39.05 for Mobile home park/occupied pad

$90.08 for Duplex

Contact Us

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Brittany Bacon - Clerk


7405 S. Wayne St
Hamilton, IN 46742

Closed Sat & Sun


PO Box 331, 
Hamilton, In 46742

   ​260 488 3304    ​​​​hlcdclerk@frontier.com

Setup​ Direct Debit/Auto Pay

To setup auto pay, download the Auto Withdrawal Form.
Complete the form and email it to hlcdclerk@frontier.com

Hamilton Lake Conservancy District